A welcoming corner

In the urban landscape of my town, I bump through a road full of potholes several times each day.

The high point as I'm returning from the grocery store (we're fortunate to have a Harris Teeter and a Trader Joe's less than a mile away) is this corner planting.

This fellow's work has brightened my journeys for several years now.

This is what it look likes currently.  Thanks to a great gardening neighbor!

Flint and Chestnut

A Carolina rose (Rosa carolina)

A flourishing Carolina rose (Rosa carolina)
This rose is in its third year, and definitely likes its spot.  I've noted it before; this was last year's post.

It's a lovely and fragrant native rose, with its own specialist bee, but also attractive to bumblebees and honeybees, too.

Bumblebee foraging for pollen

Sugar snap peas

I planted peas with no expectation that I'd harvest any.  It was a cold February this year, so it wasn't until early March.

In the South, peas (of whatever sort) are a dance in the spring, between cool temperatures and the onset of summer.  If it's cool, there are peas to harvest.  Too warm.  Not good.

I'm still adjusting to the new rhythms of a slightly cooler mountain garden (compared to my Piedmont one), but I've gardened here now for 7 seasons, first as a part-time gardener, now full-time.

Regardless, I've been really happy to be harvesting these sugar snap peas in late May.  This was the second harvest -- I'm figuring it's not too shabby for just a few trellises planted late -- what fun to have them, along with all of the greens.

And the tomatoes are growing well!

I just planted a second round of beans and squash, as the first round must have succumbed to too cool soil, thanks to an impatient gardener and a marauding critter (which turned out to be an opossum, rather than a woodchuck, we think!)

Fenton Friday: A Handful of Salad

The rains stopped early this week and we have jumped straight into summer. The little bit of lettuce I had in the plot bolted, except for this measly handful I managed to cut today.

I was able to pick more strawberries this week and today got another quart. The disappointing thing is how many I come across that are rotten and moldy that I have had to throw away.

I also devoted an hour today to just pulling out that damn Canada thistle that seems to sprout immediately wherever I clear some planting space in the plot. I can see this will be a long-running battle for years to come.

One I get a big enough section cleared, in will go my cutting garden seeds finally!

How is your garden growing this week?

About Fenton Friday:
Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 5th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.)

Vegetable gardening musings

I'm all about growing what I can in my small vegetable garden beds. Frankly, we can barely keep up eating (currently) with what I produce in the small front beds and the one down below.

I'm harvesting kale, swiss chard, sugar snap peas, turnip greens, leeks and garlic.  Uh, there's only two of us.

front vegetable beds
So, calls for more edibles in public landscapes are appealing, but I'm still thinking and musing about this, as I'm volunteering in one community garden and picking up eggs from another (with apologies that I don't need more greens, no matter how lovely.)

It's great to encourage folks to grow more of their own vegetables.  I've been doing this for close two decades, now, when I think about it.

Hooray for gardens of all sizes, I'm thinking, and "re-skilling" with knowledge of how to grow vegetables, too.

But perhaps what we really need is encouragement (and perhaps teaching) for folks to cook vegetables and eat them? 

I think you need to be a cook to enjoy growing vegetables, as they're so delicious straight from the garden (or from the farmer's market or community garden).

But they do require prepping, cleaning, and chopping, as well as cooking.

I'm enjoying the fresh sugar snap peas from my garden, at the moment (it's a good thing to have them because of a cool spring!)

 The nutrient levels in my beds came back high (not surprisingly); whether there are micro-nutrient issues, not examined.  So that's all good.  Now, I've replanted beans, sowed squash, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers are in place.


Upscale landscape design/garden maintenance firm in DC Metro area seeks talented, artistic gardener to assist with container planting, plant grooming, pruning and watering.
PT or FT. Excellent compensation
Please email marketingmarvels@aol.com
or call 301-251-9603.

Every Thursday on the Washington Gardener Magazine Facebook page, Blog, and Yahoo list we feature a current advertiser from our monthly digital magazine. To advertise with us, contact wgardenermag@aol.com today.

Wildflower Wednesday: Bachelor's Buttons

This month I decided to dive into Gail Eichelberger's Wildflower Wednesday garden blog meme. For my first entry, I chose a wildflower that has self-sown in my community garden plot and is blooming abundantly right now -- Bachelor's Buttons aka Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus).

Though they are not native to the Eastern US, they have naturalized well and provide a nice food pollinator source. They do self-seed, but are easy enough to yank out where you don't want them and don't run riot over other plants.

This old-fashioned heirloom is great as a cut flower, and, of course, worn as a boutonniere or stuck in a hat band!

By the way, they are famous for their brilliant blue color, but they also come in white and pinks.

You will find Bachelor's Buttons in most commercial "wildflower" seed mixes or you can buy straight Bachelor's Buttons seed packs. They need little from you. Just a spot in full sun. If they get too leggy, simply cut them back or place a tomato cage or peony ring around them.

Wildflower Wednesday is about sharing wildflowers from all over the world. It was started by Gail Eichelberger on her "Clay and Limestone" blog. It is always on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Weather. Be. Damned.

Every garden needs a few Allium (ornamental onion) bulbs. 
In addition to being drop dead gorgeous, their oniony aroma keeps the critters at bay.

Have barely had time to breathe, much less blog, this being the most wonderful time of year.

Mud month, weeding month, a reunion of sorts. The meet and greet of stalwart perennials ~ back again for another season, weather be damned.

Let me repeat that: 



Woke to an unusually bright, golden-yellow Eastern sky.

It was really pretty. And, suspicious.

We Midwesterners are often suspicious about the weather. Because wide open spaces encourage tornadoes and violent storms. And, we've all suffered mightily from what Mother Nature sends our way.

Lilac: Burgundy Queen
But, I don't live in the Midwest, any more. 
So, perhaps I should stop being such a Nervous Nelly?  

Lewisia: Best grown from seed.
Walked into the kitchen, for that highly anticipated first cup o’ Joe.

Out the Western windows, the sky was eerily deep, dark grey. The air still. The garden quiet.

Something is coming, I thought to myself.

Here cometh the Ice Storm.
So, I began to gather up the little seedlings, ‘hardening off’ on the deck.

That’s when I heard horse hooves.

Who is GALLOPING a horse, on pavement, in town??? 

Peered over the deck and saw a moose. (Yeah! A very large moose.)

Racing down the middle of my paved street, away from the mountains, heading East as quick as her gangly legs could take her.

So, now I’m scared. 

We humans have evolved to the point where we 'sense' pretty much nothing. Relying on the weather channel for advice that is bleeding obvious to the moose.

Poured the blessed coffee, dolled it up with cream.

And, then I thought to myself: Geez, Kate, are you really so caffeine dependent that it didn’t occur to you to document all of this weirdness?

I mean, seriously, a galloping moose! A picture of that is totally blog worthy. Much more so than this sad aftermath...

Started digging for the camera, in case Mrs. Moose planned a return trip.

And, that’s when it hit. Like a solid wall of ice, slamming into the house.

Blowing the doors open, battering the garden, the car, breaking tree branches (ah ha maybe that’s why Mrs. Moose ran from the woods...)

Drifts of hailstones. Hellish winds. Destroying an entire month of hard work.

And, no sign of the moose. Though, I imagine she faired significantly better than those poor little flowers, unable to run.

* TIP: Harden off your seedlings. 
Tiny, fragile seedlings are rarely capable of handling the shock of being shoved into the soil, the second it feels like planting time. Let them hang out on your porch, or your deck, for a couple of weeks. Let them deal with real sunshine, not window sunshine, winds, rain, cooler nights. A week, or two, of hardening off means many more of them might survive.

A foraging woodchuck ( I think)

OK, I don't mind a bit of nibbling, but...

I think it's a woodchuck that has been making visits to my vegetable garden beds and selecting, in sequence, his or her favorites.  First, the young beans, then the young broccoli (that weren't under my wire cloches), now the young leaves of chard and whatever young pea shoots he/she can reach. Not to mention the young Tuscan kale.  The patches under the wire cloches are fine, thankfully.


Of course, I live in a community full of fresh veggies, and most of us live in areas with an abundance of food, from whatever source. So, I won't be without fresh vegetables, as I'm volunteering in one community garden and have credits in another.

But,  I've reset my large Havahart trap with more Chuckster (a favorite of a late colleague) and some fresh apple, and moved it to the middle of the path from the ravine to my veggie garden.

We'll see.

My last experience with trapping was down in the Piedmont, and involved a young opossum, who I had to free from getting caught in the wire mesh of the trap.  Most upsetting, although I was successful in letting it go!

Fenton Friday: Suddenly Strawberries!

This week was another one of nonstop rains and chilly temps. Miraculously though, I went over to weed for a few minutes and discovered ripe strawberries! I immediately ate a few. They were delicious! I had feared all the rains would cause them to be water-logged and flavorless.

How is your garden growing this week?

About Fenton Friday:
Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 5th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.)

Win Passes to the Brookside Gardens Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly Exhibit

For our May 2016 Washington Gardener Magazine Reader Contest, Washington Gardener is giving away the five sets of passes to the Brookside Gardens Wings of Fancy live butterfly exhibit in Wheaton, MD (each set has two passes and is a $16 value).
   Running daily through September 25, from 10am to 4pm, Brookside Gardens South Conservatory features live butterflies. Come witness the butterfly life cycle as tiny eggs hatch into crawling, chewing caterpillars, which then encase themselves in jewel-like chrysalides and emerge as sipping, flying adult butterflies. Learn about the best annual and tropical plants, and hardy shrubs that are used as nectar sources, to attract butterflies to your own garden. See more details at http://www.montgomeryparks.org/brookside/wings_of_fancy.shtm.
   To enter to win a set of passes, send an email to WashingtonGardener@rcn.com by 5:00pm on Monday, May 31, with “Wings” in the subject line and in the body of the email. Tell us which was your favorite article in the May 2016 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine and why. Please also include your full name and mailing address.
   The pass winners will be announced and notified on June 1.

Congratulations to:
~ Donna Thuotte Martin. Ashburn, VA
~ Jennifer Whalen, Silver Spring, MD
~ Kira Lueders, Kensington, MD
~ Stephanie Richard, Rockville, MD
~ Jeffrey Trunzo, Takoma Park, MD
They each won 2 passes to the Brookside Gardens Wings of Fancy live butterfly exhibit!

A foraging dark-eyed junco

In the lawn near the Pisgah Inn, along the Blue Ridge Parkway, there were juncos foraging on dandelion seeds.

We were tagging along on a birding preview, with our friend George Ellison, a well-known naturalist in this area, and his friend, Rick Perry, an amazing birding expert (and a retired local physician of long tenure).

We had fun trying to hear the birds that they did, and looked them up on our birding apps (iBird Pro is my favorite).

Amid a LOT of great birds, I actually enjoyed seeing these dark-eyed juncos eating dandelion seeds the most "blog" worthy.
A dark-eyed junco foraging on weed seeds

I don't see many juncos, as they're not normal feeder birds in our ravine, so it was fun to see them in a naturalized habitat off the parkway.

Of course, this image (from my iPhone on a rainy day) is quite sub-par -- but the real thing was fun to see.

Edible, Beautiful Amaranth in the May 2016 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine

The May 2016 issue ofWashington Gardener Magazine is now out and posted online at:

Inside this issue:
  • Edible, Beautiful Amaranth
  • Your Monthly Garden Tasks To-do List for May-June
  • Enviro-friendly Landscape Design Trends from Green Matters 2016
  • 8 Great Strawberry Growing Tips
  • Local Gardening Events Calendar for DC-MD-VA
  • Stopping a Slug Invasion
  • Helping Sickly Pepper Plants
  • Meet Dr. Amen of Purple Mountain
  • Dirty Secrets:  Gardeners Share Their Tips and Tricks for the Best Ways to Haul Plants Home
  • and much more...  
Note that any submissions, event listings, and advertisements for the June 2016 issue are due by June 10.
Subscribe to Washington Gardener Magazine today to have the monthly publication sent to your inbox as a PDF several days before it is available online. You can use the PayPal (credit card) online order form here: http://www.washingtongardener.com/index_files/subscribe.htm

ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: GoGardeners Garden Coaching

"My mission is to introduce people to the wonders of nature through their own backyards, and to show them how to enrich their lives and the environment by taking charge of their outdoor space." - Elise Stigliano,
Garden Coach and
Founder of GoGardeners
Phone: 301-518-8333
Email: elise@gogardeners.com
See: http://www.gogardeners.com/

Every Thursday on the Washington Gardener Magazine Facebook page, Blog, and Yahoo list we feature a current advertiser from our monthly digital magazine. To advertise with us, contact wgardenermag@aol.com today.

Sunset at the Grove Park Inn

View from the Sunset Terrace (Grove Park Inn)
Blue Ridge view (Sunset Terrace)
After a wonderful b-day dinner at the Golden Fleece (adjacent to the Grove Park Inn), we took in the sunset view of the Blue Ridge mountains and downtown Asheville.  Lovely.

Video Wednesday: Turning Black Thumbs Green

I gave this talk last spring as part of the PechaKucha presentations in Silver Spring, MD. The theme of that talk collection was "change." I demonstrate making change happen by attacking the concept of "black thumbs" and providing simple tips on how to make the world a greener place.

If you are not familiar with PechaKucha talks, they are a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images. PechaKucha Nights are informal and fun gatherings where creative people get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts, etc.

I am going to do an encore of this talk at the upcoming Behnke Garden Party on June 4.

9th Annual DC Plant Swap

9th Annual DC Plant Swap
hosted by Washington Gardener Magazine

What: A Plant Swap -- bring and receive free plants to expand your garden

Why: Free Plants! Last chance to do so before the season heats up.

Date: Saturday, June 11

Time: starting at 11am bring your plants for sorting by category (shade perennial, groundcover, herb, etc.) -- swap starts promptly at 11:30am -- do not be late (the swap goes fast and can be over in a matter of minutes!) - after swapping, we can socialize, snack, and trade more info on the plants we brought - we plan to conclude and be cleaned up by 12:00noon. so you will have the rest of the day to plant and enjoy your Saturday.

Place: US National Arboretum's R Street parking lot -- if it storms, we will move inside to the auditorium.

RSVP:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1039472452786550/
Who: anyone is welcome as are any of your friends, relatives, or neighbors -- it is FREE -- feel free to forward on this invitation

How: be prepared to BRIEFLY introduce yourself and describe your plant swap offerings

~ a name tag - home-made or from work or school -- whatever works
~ pen and paper - you will want to take lots of notes as folks describe the plants and their growing conditions
~ plants to swap - pot them up NOW -- the longer they can get settled in their pots, the better their chance of success and survival - (no plants to share? see note below)
~ labels - fully label all your swap plants with as much info as you have - optimally that will include: common and scientific name, amount of sun needed, amount of water needed, any other special care notes, and color of the blooms (if it is not currently in flower)

What NOT to bring: common orange daylilies* and any invasive species - use this list (http://www.mdinvasivesp.org/list_terrestrial_plants.html) to screen your plant offerings
*Hybrid daylilies are fine and totally welcome, but the common orange ones (aka "Ditch Lilies") usually end up with no takers and we are stuck having to throw them out as yard waste.

What if you do not have plants to swap? Come anyway! Bring refreshments like cold drinks and yummy finger foods to share with the other swappers.

A lovely native azalea (Rhododendron arborescens)

Rhododendron arborescens
Spotted at the Botanical Gardens at Asheville last weekend, this native azalea was lovely.

It may be Mountain Azalea (Rhododendron canescens) --I didn't make note of its tag.  R. canescens is quite variable, and would fit.

I'll get back there and check!

An update:  it's R. arborescens (Swamp Azalea or Sweet Azalea

A Blustery Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

It is Garden Blogger's Bloom Day again! On the 15th of each month, we gardeners with blogs share a few bloom photos from our gardens. Here is the Mid-Atlantic USA (USDA zone 7) on the DC-MD border, the past month has been a very wet and cold one. The early-spring blooms that had been ahead of schedule due to the somewhat mild winter are now all gone and the mid-spring are mostly stalled and waiting for warmer, sunnier days. I looked at past years' bloom day posts and at this time I usually have peonies, roses, and annual containers full of blooms to share.

Instead, I have lots of lush green growth (including the weeds!), but really only the Bearded Iris is hitting its stride right now. Those are mostly on the ground though as we have high winds coming through and a frost advisory (!) for this evening, so I cut a bunch for an indoor bouquet.

Because of the high winds, I could not take any decent bloom photos this morning. Instead I'm sharing a photo from my Instagram feed (https://www.instagram.com/wdcgardener/) that I posted a few days ago of my Clematis 'Silver Moon,' which is looking good despite the weather challenges.

What is blooming in YOUR garden today?

Fenton Friday: White Radishes Ready

Yet another very wet week has kept me out of the community garden plot. I did get a few minutes to run over though and pull out the 'White Icicle' Radish that the spring interns planted. They are good-sized and tasty. I will definitely plan on growing them again, along with the tried-and-true 'Cherry Belle' and 'French Breakfast' varieties. I'd like to try the 'Mardi Gras' kind next, as they look so festive and colorful. Are there any other radish varieties that you recommend?

BTW How is your garden growing this week?

About Fenton Friday:
Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 5th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.)

Raised bed vegetable gardening

I've had these raised beds in the mountains for quite awhile now - about 6 years.  Here was a reflection about them. 

They were originally filled with commercial compost (from the Asheville Mulch Yard), a locally created compost with veggie waste from the WNC Farmer's Market probably mixed with manures and turned frequently to compost.  It was quite a light "compost" mix.

So over the years, I've added mushroom compost, "garden soil," Espoma organic fertilizer, Black Kow, Black Hen, Ace's cow manure compost, as well as leftover Epsom salts, liquified ancient calcium tablets, fish emulsion, etc.

So now I'm suddenly thinking about micronutrients -- geez, has all of this compost provided enough?

Why aren't my plants gigantic like the ones in the community gardens that I'm associated with?  Is it that I'm planting them too closely, or just that I'm harvesting baby leaves as soon as I can, and planting intensively?

Are we getting enough iodine in our vegetables,  I'm also questioning?  Do I need to add some sort of kelp mixture to my amendments?


We still have as many greens as we can eat right now, with lots of veggies to come, not to mention the giant leaves of the community garden veggies, too, purchased with farmstand credits or volunteer/plant donation perks.  Yikes.

ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: Green Spring Gardens

Green Spring Gardens (http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/greenspring/) in Fairfax County, VA., is a "must visit" for everyone in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. It's a year-round gold mine of information and inspiration for the home gardener. It's an outdoor classroom for children and their families to learn about plants and wildlife. It's also a museum, a national historic site that offers glimpses into a long, rich history with colonial origins. There's something here for everyone: a wooded stream valley with ponds, a naturalistic native plant garden, over 20 thematic demonstration gardens, a greenhouse filled with tropicals, and a well-stocked horticultural reference library. Visit the Garden Gate Plant Shop and the two gift shops, where you'll find gift ideas ranging from books and gardening gloves to china and wind chimes. Green Spring will educate, inspire, and delight you. The gardens are always changing, so come back often for new ideas. Be sure to come to the BIG SPRING Plant Sale on Saturday May 14 9am-3pm. Free. Spring is a great time to plant and Green Spring Gardens is hosting more than 25 plant and craft vendors to satisfy your gardening needs. Come and support Friends of Green Spring and one of Virginia’s most innovative public gardens. 

Every Thursday on the Washington Gardener Magazine blog, we feature a current advertiser from our quarterly print magazine or monthly online enewsletter. To advertise with us, contact wgardenermag@aol.com today.

Our native wisteria

I don't see too many gardens with native wisteria, (Wisteria frutescens) but was glad to see these, planted on porches, in recent walks around my local neighborhoods.

Intensively managed raised vegetable beds

I'm volunteering in a large neighborhood community garden (managed under a non-profit umbrella) that's planted with long traditional raised beds in rows.

It's productive, scarily so (I don't know who going to harvest all of the greens, etc., not to mention the tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes to come).

Part of the produce serves the Kitchen Ready project of Go Opportunities, but there's a lot more than they can use, and we're quickly getting into a harvest phase for greens and sugar snap peas.  And the small group of folks that seems to be part of the second year of this project (my friend and I are new this year) aren't a large group -- not sure where all of this will go!  Hopefully, the neighborhood folks will help themselves, as this garden is part of a community center landscape, near a housing area for the City of Asheville.

It's making me thankful for the discipline of my small raised bed vegetable gardens.  I don't have unlimited space, so I swap things out, plant closely (my goal is baby greens, not giant ones, for spring).  I just harvested all of the arugula and much of the turnips, as well as much of the last spinach.
It's time for summer crops to take hold.  I've moved around transplants of Swiss chard; hopefully as a more-heat-tolerant green, it'll keep coming.

There are pole beans coming up under the sugar snap peas, a dance to come.  Hopefully there will be a few peas before it's too hot for their flowers!

I've loved having the wire cloches from Gardening Supply -- they've definitely deterred the cabbage white butterfly caterpillar impact on my baby kales and other coles... They (the cloches) were pricey, but worth it.

Sunny Yellows

"Flowers are beacons of sunshine, when somber skies blanket our world." - Dodinsky

Oh, where for art thou, happy sun? And, willst thou ever return?

At first, I was excited to hear no rain in the forecast. 
Until they mentioned snow.

I peer out the window, a bit dejected. It's a dark and soggy, Irish gloom, kind of Sunday morning.

During my dating years ~ college years ~ my optimistic ~ who care if it's raining? ~ boyfriend used to always say:

There is no bad weather! 
Just bad gear! 

And, while I can't remember, for sure, what happened... That's probably why I broke up with him. :)

There was a brief moment of sunshine, between the drizzle. 
I hopped off the horse and snapped pictures like crazy.

We don't need no freakin' optimists. Not during this everlasting monsoon.

In spite of the weather, we kept to our promise of a wildflower excursion every Thursday.

Tossed two unwilling horses into the brand, spanking, new horse trailer and drove off to our designated trail.

Which was closed.

Due to snow.

And, that right there, is a fine example of how hard it is to maintain a sunny disposition during so many rainy, messy days.

Not to worry, at a lower elevation, we did find a suitable trail.

After a heated debate with horse, Sable...

"Hell, no, I'm not walking over that bridge! I weigh more than you! I don't think it can hold me!" 

...We embarked on our first wildflower jaunt of the season.

It was cold, and wet, though easy to ignore.. because I was photographing Wild Snapdragons!

Which later turned out to be Golden Banner.

That's another reason why I'm so very excited about this summer of wildflower trips. I know nothing about wildflowers! (Thanks Google, for correcting me.) And, I'm very anxious to learn.

But, I do know... that if you're hiking, you rarely see the extent of the glorious blooms Mother Nature has to offer.

I suppose that's because of foot traffic and how irresistible these wildflowers can be. Many picked by hikers ~ which limits their ability to reseed. (And, it's also illegal, so don't do that.)

On our horses, we pick our way through the woods, creating our own path. A path dotted with plentiful yellow flowers on this grey and rainy day.

I also found some False Sunflowers. Which turned out to be Mule's Ears. (Again, thanks Google.)

Farther up the mountain, the babbling brook, which had turned into a rushing river, overflowed it's banks, completely. Horse, Sable, finally got her wish ~ to turn around and head for home.

It got me thinking about wildflowers. 
How hard they are to grow in our gardens. Perhaps it's because we're too kind to them? 

First, they freeze. 
Then, they drown. 
Then they're parched. 
And, often, trampled. 

But, they just say: 
Oh, that's okay. I'll see ya next year.

Here's hoping the sun is shining, wherever you may be.
~ kate


Fenton Friday: Another Soggy Week

This is the communal compost pile of the Fenton Community Garden. The county parks folks come by and clear it out every once in a while. The rest of my plot's weeds will join the pile soon -- as soon as it stops raining that is. I"m not complaining though as too much rain is surely better than too little! This cold and wet spring has set my schedule back by at least a couple weeks. I hope to have more to report next Friday.

How is your garden growing this week?

About Fenton Friday:
Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 5th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.)

Local First Friday: Leafyhead Lotions & Potions

Leafyhead Lotions & Potions (http://www.leafyhead.com/pages/Home.cfm), founded by Tricia McCauley in 2009, uses locally grown herbs and plants to create creams and lotions.
The ingredients for the products are home-grown by McCauley or sourced from two Oregon companies: Mountain Rose Herbs and Horizon Herbs, according to McCauley. She sells face and body creams, lip balms and body salves, beard oil for inflammation, insect repellant, and more online through Etsy or by email and at certain D.C. crafts markets that can be found on the Leafyhead website.
“I love connecting people and plants,” McCauley said. “So when I get to talk to someone and tell them about a plant they haven’t ever heard about before, that’s really exciting to me.”
McCauley, who holds a master’s degree in herbal medicine, created her first product after learning how to make lip balm at graduate school. Because she had a list of food sensitivities, she created cilantro lip balm using cilantro essential oil so she didn’t have to worry about ingredients in outside products, according to the website.
“I had all these crazy sensitivities … I couldn’t do soy, gluten, or oats at the times,” said McCauley. “When I learned that I could make [products] for myself, that’s what really inspire me to make them.”
From then, most of the products were created to meet specific needs of her friends (although she found many could be applied to other uses), including Boobie Balm for a friend who was breastfeeding and Peppermint Foot Cream for a friend who spent the work day on her feet, according to the website.
The products use a variety of oils and butters (including coconut and almond oil), essential oils, and herbs (including aloe vera, black walnut, chamomile, and plantain).
McCauley said she is not sure whether she will expand the company in the future but that using Etsy in the past year to year and a half to sell more of her products has already been a “huge expansion” for her.
“There are a lot of people that have been with me for many years, so they purchase from me every year,” said McCauley. “But I am getting more and more and more strangers from around the country purchasing from Etsy.”
About the Author 
Seema Vithlani is a junior multi-platform journalism major and French minor at the University of Maryland. This spring she is also an editorial intern for Washington Gardener Magazine.
"Local First Friday" is a weekly blog series profiling independent garden businesses in the greater Washington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic region. Washington Gardener Magazine believes strongly in supporting and sourcing from local businesses first!

A reinvigorated garden

The Pearson Garden, owned by Bountiful Cities, and now managed by Patchwork Urban Farms, is flourishing.

Lots of peas, greens, and turnips!

A productive urban garden
I discovered Bountiful Cities and the Pearson Garden some years ago, after we bought our small infill house in Montford in 2008. I've posted about them before.

It was a community garden then, and often looked great.

It was so nice to visit the Montford Farm Stand this afternoon and check out how nice the garden is looking. I joined as a member, took a dozen eggs and some white Japanese turnips as this week's purchase, so I'm a happy neighbor.


What is DCGardens.com?
   • Images and videos of DC-area gardens by month, enticing people to visit year-
    round (see DCGardens.com for examples).
   • Deep local resources for turning more residents into gardeners.
   • Digital images donated by volunteers, so DC Gardens is inexpensive.
    managed and funded independently from the gardens; nimble and very useful! 

Why Gardens (and Gardening) Matter
The Washington, DC, area is blessed with fabulous gardens that are open to the public, most of them free. Sadly, many are largely unknown and lack the funds to get the word out. If people could just see what they look like throughout the year, more would visit, and that matters because:

    • Gardens bring visitors close to plants and to all of nature, which benefits them
     mentally, spiritually, and physically.
    • Visiting gardens is a gateway experience to taking up gardening at home and in
     the community.
    • Public gardens are the primary teaching facilities for turning residents into
     gardeners, with classes and workshops on growing food, providing for wildlife,
     protecting our waterways from polluting runoff, and creating beauty in our home
     gardens or balconies.
    • Turning people on to gardening results in more beauty for all of us to enjoy and
     better stewardship of our land — without nagging.

DCGardens will be at the Smithsonian Garden Fest on Friday, May 6th, 2016 | 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
NOTE: DUE TO THE FORECASTED RAIN the Garden Fest is moved indoors into Ripley Center. Look for signage onsite and see event details: http://gardens.si.edu/whats-happening/garden-fest.html 

DCGardens is hosting the DC Public Gardens Bingo Game during National Public Gardens Week May 1-7See the game card at http://dcgardens.com/game/ (and posted above). Lots of great prizes and fabulous gardens to visit!!!

Every Thursday on the Washington Gardener Magazine Facebook page, Blog, and Yahoo list we feature a current advertiser from our monthly digital magazine. To advertise with us, contact wgardenermag@aol.com today.

Strawberries: You Can Grow That!

Sweet. Luscious. Juicy. No wonder this fruit is blushing! Strawberries are one of the most loved edibles. They can be eaten straight from the plant; used in jam or dessert recipes; or frozen and enjoyed in mixed drinks and shakes throughout the year. Not only is it versatile in the kitchen, it is also amazingly easy to grow. If you attempt no other edible this year, we encourage you to at least give this berry a try.
   Strawberry growing can be as simple as a pot on your patio or hanging by your back door. Set aside a 4x4 foot bed in your garden and you can have strawberry crops for the next few years.
   Strawberries grow best in a raised bed of well-drained soil. Mix in plenty of organic materials. If you put a wood frame around the bed, ensure that the wood is not treated with harmful chemicals that will leach into your planting.
   Plant strawberries in full sun during the spring. The first year may not yield much of a crop. Strawberry plants send out runners. Pinch them back or guide them back into the bed. Some even recommend pinching off all flowers and runners during the first year to get even bigger crops the following year.
   The plants peak at three-years-old. So buy new stock every few years to replenish them.
   Put the new, bare-root plants in so the crown is just resting at soil level with the roots gentled fanned out beneath the surface.
   They need only about one inch of water per week and are prone to root rot, so don't over do it.
   There are two main kinds of strawberries: ever-bearing and June-bearing. As per their names, ever-bearing and June-bearing fruit at different times. June-bearing from late-May to mid-June, while ever-bearing can have several waves of berries throughout the summer. Select June-bearing if you want one large crop for making jams or freezing. Choose ever-bearing if you want to throw some fresh berries in your cereal bowl every few days.
   Relatively disease-free, compared to other fruits you may grow, they are plagued by a few pests. Most notably slugs and birds.
   To combat slugs, sprinkle around the beds with Sluggo (iron phosphate), which is safe for use around edibles.
   For birds, put some shiny, moving objects nearby. For instance, used CDs hanging by strings on your fence or trees. You might also consider investing in some bird netting to cover the beds as the fruits ripen.
   In the fall, mulch the strawberry bed with straw (not hay!) or other materials such as pine needles to insulate the plants over the winter. Remove the mulch again in spring.
   The strawberry flowers themselves are pretty. Usually white or light pink, some varieties are grown more for their decorative value than for their fruit. The 'Pink Panda' aka Strawberry Potentilla is especially attractive with its bright pink blooms.
   Strawberry plants also make good border plantings. They stay low and fairly tidy. The runners are easy to pull if they go astray. (If you choose Alpine varieties, you will not have a runner problem.) So don't hesitate to plant a row of strawberries on the front edge of your flower beds for a sweet treat every time you pass by.

Advice from Local Growers

According to Larriland Farms, the berries are very consistent in their ripening schedule — coming exactly 28-30 days from bloom to harvest.
    Lynn Moore of Larriland says some of their best customers are gardeners. They find that the time and effort it takes to invest in growing the plants is just not possible with a full work schedule and busy life, so they visit pick-your-own farms for their annual strawberry “fix.” Lynn says she rearranges her life around her plants schedule. “They need what they need when they need it,” she explains. “And most gardeners are just not going to keep that kind of schedule.”
   Butler’s Orchard reports that June-bearing varieties do the best in our region. The intense summer heat can damage the ever-bearing varieties. Besides pick-your-own berries, Butler’s also sell the plants themselves including: Earliglow, Northeaster, and Darselect.
    Strawberries are expected to be in season for picking at all area pick-your-own farms starting in late May into June. Call first (or check their web sitrs/Facebook pages) to see if the berries are ripe before you make the trip.

All who are involved with You Can Grow That! (YCGT!) believe that plants and gardening enhance our quality of life. We want people to be successful with what they grow and to become more aware of the many gifts that horticulture brings. Find out more at http://www.youcangrowthat.com/.


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