Gardening for pollinators

It's National Pollinator Week, and in Asheville, the Pollination Celebration for 2016 is in full swing.

I participated in an excellent pollinator walk this morning with Heather Holm at BGA (Botanical Gardens at Asheville), and heard her speak about native bees and other pollinators this evening. Wonderful photographs and information!

I'm looking forward to reading her book, too, which she's obviously spend a LOT of time producing; it promises to provide some info that will be helpful for encouraging folks to plant more pollinator-friendly plants.

I'll be doing what's become a habit for me during Pollinator Week (doing a Native Plants for Pollinators program on Saturday at BGA, a wonderful native plant garden here).  My approach is primarily plant-focused, with a bit about pollinator habitats and ecology, so it was fun to hear more details about native pollinators from an insect-based perspective.

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