Intensively managed raised vegetable beds

I'm volunteering in a large neighborhood community garden (managed under a non-profit umbrella) that's planted with long traditional raised beds in rows.

It's productive, scarily so (I don't know who going to harvest all of the greens, etc., not to mention the tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes to come).

Part of the produce serves the Kitchen Ready project of Go Opportunities, but there's a lot more than they can use, and we're quickly getting into a harvest phase for greens and sugar snap peas.  And the small group of folks that seems to be part of the second year of this project (my friend and I are new this year) aren't a large group -- not sure where all of this will go!  Hopefully, the neighborhood folks will help themselves, as this garden is part of a community center landscape, near a housing area for the City of Asheville.

It's making me thankful for the discipline of my small raised bed vegetable gardens.  I don't have unlimited space, so I swap things out, plant closely (my goal is baby greens, not giant ones, for spring).  I just harvested all of the arugula and much of the turnips, as well as much of the last spinach.
It's time for summer crops to take hold.  I've moved around transplants of Swiss chard; hopefully as a more-heat-tolerant green, it'll keep coming.

There are pole beans coming up under the sugar snap peas, a dance to come.  Hopefully there will be a few peas before it's too hot for their flowers!

I've loved having the wire cloches from Gardening Supply -- they've definitely deterred the cabbage white butterfly caterpillar impact on my baby kales and other coles... They (the cloches) were pricey, but worth it.

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