Organic compost

A recent email from SuperSod in Hendersonville offered up some certified organic compost (a cubic yard, delivered for free). Hmm, what's not to like about that, I thought, and said yes, sure.  (This seems to be related to being a local garden writer/garden blogger/member of GWA).

Soil3 organic compost from SuperSod, Hendersonville, NC
At their booth at the Mother Earth News Fair a couple of weekends ago, I actually saw the size of the Big Yellow Bag. Yikes.  It was BIG.

But it was delivered on Friday, via a large truck and small fork lift, and we've now spread it over our raised beds, added to some of the in-ground beds, top-dressed recently planted shrubs and trees, and saved several buckets of it for mid-season amending.

It's great-looking compost.  It looks like it came from an organic dairy (it seems rich in composted manure), but will definitely give a boost to all of my raised beds, as they're getting close to change out from cool-season to warm-season veggies.

The bag is now empty and ready to return!  It'll be great to see how the veggies and other plants respond. Here's a link to more information about the compost.

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