Fenton Friday: Progress Stalled

peas growing
Not much progress at my community garden plot this week. Been swamped with garden talks and writing deadlines. I did stop by today and cleared out a few more weeds enough to see that my garlic planted last fall was up and looking good.

Also found what looks like a broccoli plant that re-seeded itself? Could also be a cabbage or cauliflower -- anyone really good at identifying brassicas?

How is your edible garden growing this week?

About Fenton Friday:
Every Friday during the growing season, I'll be giving you an update on my community garden plot at the Fenton Street Community Garden just across the street from my house. I'm plot #16. It is a 10 ft x 20 ft space and this is our 5th year in the garden. (It opened in May 2011.)  
cabbage? broccoli?
garlic up


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