Washington Gardener Magazine ~ October 2015 issue ~ Growing Cauliflower, Overwinter Geraniums, Bulb and Perennial Combinations, and much more

The October 2015 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine is now out and posted online at:

This issue includes:~ Cauliflower: Growing Tips for Our Region
~ Large Flowered Bellwort: A Pure Gold Native
~ Your Garden Tasks To-Do List for October-November
~ Fall is for Planting: Giving Your Plants a Healthy Start
~ Local Garden Events Calendar for DC-MD-VA
~ How to Overwinter Geraniums
~ Combating Rhododendron Borer
~ Meet the New Director of the U.S. National Arboretum
~ Best Tested Bulb and Perennial Combinations
~ and much more...

Note that any submissions, event listings, and advertisements for the November 2015 issue are due by November 10.
Subscribe to Washington Gardener Magazine today to have the monthly publication sent to your inbox as a PDF several days before it is available online. You can use the PayPal (credit card) online order form here: http://www.washingtongardener.com/index_files/subscribe.htm

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