Being at home and in the garden

After a wonderful trip to Ireland, it's good to be home in the Southern Appalachians.

Tall trees, green hills, and the start of vibrant fall color, late this year, I think.

We've just about finished the last of the green beans after returning home (darn, I hoped the freeze/frost last weekend would have finished them off, but they've actually been quite good, developing slowly over the weeks we were gone, especially the broad Romano and Cranberry beans, not to mention the Emerite and Kentucky Wonders). Now it's on to the last of the lettuce, before harvesting mustards, etc.  We might even get a sugar snap pea or two if the weather holds.

I'm thinking I might put in some very late transplants from the local hardware store (just for fun), as well as sowing some more greens. Might as well take advantage of the increasingly warm climate, I suppose...

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