Video Wednesday: Joseph Tychonievich Gives Plant Breeding Talk to Silver Spring Garden Club

Joseph Tychonievich , is a life-long gardener and lover of plants. Joseph earned his BS in horticulture from Ohio State University, went on to work for Shibamichi Honten Nursery in Saitama, Japan, has been a repeated guest on public radio’s food show “The Splendid Table,” wrote a book, Plant Breeding for the Home Gardener (Timber Press, 2013), spent two years working at the famed rare plants nursery Arrowhead Alpines, and was named by Organic Gardening Magazine as one of “...six young horticulturists who are helping to shape how America gardens.”

Plant Breeding, the art of creating your very own new varieties of plants, may sound complex and technical, but it isn’t. People have been breeding plants since agriculture began, and you can easily create your own new plants in your backyard. In this talk, you’ll learn the simple principles and techniques that will allow you to start creating a perfectly delicious tomato, columbines in JUST the right shade of purple, technicolored corn, or whatever else you can dream up.

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