Gardening and creativity

I've thought a lot about this in recent years.  

Gardening has been my end road and lifeline back to creativity in other venues, but remains a foundation of how I think and appreciate our surrounding landscape (my gardening companion, although he doesn't think about himself as a gardener, shapes our surroundings with an eye to native plants and natural design, of course.) 

I really just do the vegetable gardens and pollinator-friendly pocket meadows, truth be told, although I'm always consulted for the other additions to the landscape, now here in the mountains.

But doing a program tomorrow about the "The Creative Side of Gardening" has had me thinking for a number of days now. 

So much of our American gardening writing is still about the mechanics, not about the art and love that gardeners really spend on their landscapes, whatever their garden styles or inclinations might be.

Gardening is an art, plain and simple, it seems to me. 

The language of horticulture, at least in American writing, makes it way too clinical: gardening maintenance, plant materials, etc.    It's about love for the medium, I think; gardeners love plants, and appreciate them, however we interpret that.

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