
For the first time in many years, we're not traveling over winter break, staying at home in the mountains of Western North Carolina.

The academic schedule of decades has yielded now in "graduation" to a more flexible one, so mid-January to early February is a more appealing time to travel, and escape the relatively mild winters for a few weeks, before spring wildflower season begins, not so long afterwards.

Curiously, FB keeps reminding me of my posts last year, as we were about to head off (to far south, in Argentina and Chile), so that has me thinking about conundrums of travel.

Travel brings such a widening perspective, where ever we go.  If more Americans traveled, I think it would bring more scope to how we perceive "immigrants"and "refugees."

My great-great grandmother left Germany in 1848, with her five young sons, to escape the draft into the Kaiser's army (at least that's how the story is told).  They established the Wagner Brothers Clothing Store in Ellinwood, Kansas as adults.

"Quality has no substitute" was their motto.

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