Writing, connecting, and other thoughts

Spending a day in talks related to writing (at the NC Writers Network Fall Conference) has been interesting.

Considering myself a writer (narrative non-fiction? creative non-fiction?) has been a bit of a leap, but with a lot of professional writing and over 1650 posts on this blog, I suppose I qualify.

There are so many different "genres" of writing represented in participants, from fiction, to creative non-fiction, to memoir, to non-fiction, and poetry.

And it seems like most of us write simply for the experience, pleasure, and joy of expressive writing.

Some of the participants make a living from writing, but my sense is that most of us there simply love to write, in whatever format.

In writing about nature, I enjoy feeling grounded in the natural world, in everyday reflections about gardening and what I've observed.

Writing blog posts focused on something that I did, observed, or experienced -- that's been magic to me over the 8-plus years that I've been writing posts.

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