A transitional vegetable garden

The darn green beans keep producing, but it's heartening to see seedlings of spinach, arugula, mustard- spinach, lettuce, and creasy-greens come along nicely. Transplanted leeks, lettuce, and rapini are looking good, too.

And I'm hopeful for quite a few more tomatillos and ancho peppers in the next month or so, as well as the thick-walled pizza peppers coming along in pots.

The poblano/ancho peppers are a great variety called "Magnifico" and they're truly tasty. I bought a transplant at the WNC Herb Festival this spring, but tracked down a source of seeds today - Territorial Seeds - and ordered some for next season. They have a sweetness that anchos don't normally have and are a bit thicker-walled than most. Excellent!

I'm just about ready to pull out the final squash vines, but until they look truly dreadful, we'll enjoy them. Garlic (on the way) will replace them in the lower bed, along with the resurgent perennial leeks!


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