Funny Side of the Street

This is what it looks like out my window when it is 6 degrees below zero.
New Year's Day. A New Year! A blank slate! Anything can happen. And, it probably will.

I like watching birds out my window. Though I'm not too savvy on the subject. This is the red one.
'Twas an excruciating long year and I have high hopes for a better 2015. I kicked it off okay. By kicking the cigarettes down the toilet around 7 p.m. last night. Surprised? Everyone is. NO ONE knew.

We all have our dirty little secrets. Some of us keep those secrets pretty close to the vest.

So far, I’m not having any difficulty ~ though when you’re a pro at quitting - as I am - you know that bliss will never last. I think I've succumbed to stress, and taken up smoking, 25 times in my short life. Which means I'm working on quit smoking #26.

Yeah. I got it down. In another few days I'll be going through some anger issues that makes Charlie Sheen look like a pussy cat. If you see me out and about? Beeline it to the opposite side of the street.


As I sit here on my blank slate New Year's morning of 2015.... the thing that keeps running through my head is this:   

If I were to blog about my true life vs. the pretty flower part of my life? I'd have 200,000 followers on Twitter, not a measly 2. :)

Oh, the happy love of flowers is real. I could not survive without a daily dose of gardening. But, I'm pretty good at ignoring real life. Because some of it is not that appealing.

And, let's face it. After 8 years of blogging. Seriously! Eight years!

I'm not blogging. I'm flogging. I'm flogging that proverbial dead horse to death. I've said everything there is to say about flowers.

So, let's talk about Dave. Er... I mean Charise.

Just so ya know... When it comes to me and Christmas I'm very much an It's A Wonderful Life kinda gal. I simply adore those traditional 1940's movies. I prefer pine cones over tinsel trees... you get the conservative picture.


My surprise when my real estate agent showed up for the big Christmas Eve Bash as a woman! In knee high black boots, nicely done make up (loved his/her shade of lipstick - it was perfect with his/her skin tone...  I'm serious! I rarely get that stuff right...) and a blonde wig! He's bald. Or, she's bald. Well...somebody's bald! At least they used to be.

What the hell??

I cannot stop thinking about him. I mean her.

As New Year's Eve approaches, we all run around chanting this phrase -- A new year! A new me!

And, he she actually did it.

Okay, fine. I just have to say it one more time. What the hell??  And, here I was worried people might judge me for enjoying a cigarette, now and then...

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I don't know Professor Canning but I've always loved this quote. If you're looking for guidance on a New Year's resolution this could be it.

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