Seed Starters

Sun shining, birds singing and a gentle breeze... 'twas the nicest day to be playing outdoors. I painstakingly transplanted all kinds of goodies for the teeny tiny farm project [ growing as many veggies as I plan to eat throughout the season.] Now, they're in deeper containers where they can really hit their stride...

I don't like these seed starter pods.
If you look at the photo below, you'll see a few of those seed starter pods. Geez, I hate those things.

They're too small and the mesh covering doesn't break down very quickly in the soil.

So, why am I using them? Well.... I started over 400 veggie seeds! And, I purchased them from a company I didn't know... Johnny's Seeds. {Everyone loves Johnny's, and now so do I.}

But, I wasn't sure about the germination rate of these seeds so I thought I'd make it easy on myself. Well, whaddyaknow, it's nearly a 100% germination rate and now it's a jungle in here!

A happy jungle, to be sure.

* Growing veggies in the mountains? Consider growing them in raised beds or containers. The soil stays warmer in raised beds. Tomatoes, for example, need to stay above 50 degrees F or they shift their sugar production and produce a sub-standard fruit.

A better way to start seeds.
** Consider growing miniatures - In these photos, you're looking at baby broccoli, mini beets, baby bell peppers, etc.  Mini veggies come to harvest quicker; they're loaded with flavor. Plus, they're cute as a button. :)

*** Starting seeds in 18 oz. drink cups (vs. these tiny seed starter pods) get your veggies and flowers off to a much healthier start. The depth of the drink cups encourage a long, strong root system.

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