Frosty Flowers

If it's going to rain [buckets]... then sleet... and, then snow...

... why can't Mother Nature torture us on a Monday? When I'm somewhat satisfied, being chained to my computer.

Instead of on the weekend, foiling all kinds of outdoor plans.

We mountain gardeners are beset with micro-climates. In town, at the rental property, the Tulips are valiantly blooming. (Sadly, nobody but me notices. Why don't tenants appreciate gardens?)

I popped over there to enjoy the pretty show. And, also to take inventory. Once done blooming, I'm digging 'em all up and taking them back to my house. Where they will get the appreciation they well-deserve.

So, in town, it is truly springtime. Five miles outside of town, where I live, it's colder, windier, nasty-ass weather times 2. Five miles away, yet a month behind in the growing season.

That's the whole thing with 'micro-climates.' In protected areas, it's a full growing zone warmer.

At home, Crocus & Daffodils are just getting started. Wicked weather never seems to faze them.

It's as if they have tiny wristwatches wrapped around their stems. 'It's April! I'm gonna bloom, dammit!'

And, I, for one, am grateful for their perseverance.

"Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella." ~ Terri Guillemets
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