Sleeping dogs and organic gardens

In a town that's the poorest of any we've seen in Guatemala, there are still dogs that look reasonably content and well-fed.

And the schools seem supported, and the children there wear smart uniforms, maybe thanks to the non-profit that's carrying on a long-term American priest's work here in this town, which has made a significant difference over the last 50 years, helping this town avoid the worst of the Guatemalan civil war.

These dogs were near the market; we disturbed the one on the right, who got up to check on what was happening.

The local folks found us amusing, paying attention to these dogs....

We're staying in the only "tourist" hotel in town. It's very nice, even if smoke from the neighbors' cooking fires is wafting down into the hotel's lovely gardens, which include a remarkable organic vegetable garden, probably an acre in expanse.

It's full of various kales, broccoli, lettuces, fennel, herbs, amaranth, carrots, arugula, etc.

Amazing for this part of the world, and the head gardener and his assistant deserves to be proud of their work, which supports the hotel's restaurant, and by extension, the outreach missionary work of the non-profit nearby, who have discounts for staying here or for meals.



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